Tuesday, April 26, 2011

my 2-year-old

Happy Birthday to my favorite little man, Kye.  Born April 27th 2009.  If Celia surprised me 10 days before my due date then Kye really surprised me coming 5 1/2 weeks early.  His due date was June 3rd.  But Kye has always kept me on my toes from the moment I went into labor early and gave birth to a huge "preemie" at 6lbs 14 ozs..  If you call a girl who is super girly a "girly girl", then what is the term for a boy who is super boyish?  A boy's boy?  If so then Kye is most definitely a boy's boy.  The comment I hear most from people is "he sure is ALL boy".  If that means he's rough, energetic, loud, charming, in constant motion, strong and did I say rough?? Then they're right.  But he can also be super sweet and gives the world's best kisses these days.

Wednesdays are mine and Kye's special day together when I just have him.  So last Wednesday I took him over to Jesse Jones Park for his 2-year-old photo shoot.  He spent most of the time looking for "Ah ahs".  That's what he calls monkeys and he's obsessed with them lately.  He kept yelling "you get out here ah ahs" at the trees.  So cute.  I love my handsome little boy's boy. 


1 comment:

  1. the one where his head is poking out is the CUTEST thing i have ever seen :) such great pics!!
