Friday, May 4, 2012

My April Babies

I took my 2 April babies out to do their official 5 and 3 year old pictures.  I am liking this age already.  It's funny how much they have changed over just the last few weeks.

My big 5 year old...

Looks...just like a Worden.  Still can't find any of myself in her no matter how hard I try.  And as she gets older I see more and more of Mark's dad's family in her.  The shape of her face, her eyes, ears, nose all Worden.  And there's no doubt she is built like a Worden, little petite thing (I was never close to petite a day in my life).  All her friends are starting to tower over her.
Acts...just like a Worden, seriously I just don't think our genes mixed much on this one at all. 
Just informed me she is too old for cartoons and toys.  She only wants to watch the science channel, space shows and animal specials.  Only wants to play with "science stuff", and I should only buy her math games and science books.
Does math problems in the car and at the kitchen table for fun. (she can even multiply now).
Still loves horses.
Loves to watch the Star Wars and Lord of the Rings movies with her daddy (not animated versions, the real movies).
Has changed her mind from wanting to be a cowgirl when she grows up to wanting to be an animal doctor.
LOVES to sing along to pop songs in the car, especially Lady Gaga and Train.
Has a pretty impressive golf swing for a 5 year old.
Has an incredible imagination and tells the best stories.
Is a great student.  Her teacher just loves her.

My 3 year old BOY

And when I say boy, I mean B-O-Y.
Is super energetic and aggressive.
Looks, like me (I don't care how many people say he looks like Mark).  He does have Mark's mouth and smile which is why I think people say he looks like him.  Pretty much every other feature of his comes from my family, his hair, eyes, ears, nose, shape of his face, and definitely his frame (since he's projected to be over 6ft.) all from me.
And as much as I hate to admit is since he is a handful... acts... like a Rippy, that's my dad's family.  He acts so much like my dad it's scary. 
Spends most of his days at school in time out or in the office. (some of this could also come from his daddy :)  I never spent a day in detention or the office in my life, true story.
Carrys around a blanket for security (his "star" blanket)
Could drink at least a gallon of milk a day if we let him.  Could eat his weight in shrimp and crawfish, but hardly eats anything else.
Is super rigid, can't stand change, likes things to be comfortable and familiar (sorry Kye, this comes from me and your Poppa).
Still LOVES any and everything tractor.
Is starting to love golf now too.
Can be the sweetest little boy on the planet when he wants to be and gives the best kisses and hugs.  Tells me every night he loves me "too much".

For those that are curious, Kye is "reading" some sort of religious text that he found on the ground.  It was completely written in Spanish.  He wouldn't put it down so it must have been interesting.

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