Friday, June 24, 2011

Port Aransas - Part 3

Of course if I am going to the beach for a week I am going to dress my kiddos in something cute and torture them with some artsy photo session.  I really thought I got nothing after I took these.  The wind was awful and kept blowing sand in their eyes.  Celia was chilly and Kye was not cooperating as usual.  Even promises of ice cream didn't seem to help much.  But I am happy with these.  I wanted to bring along a remote shutter release for my camera and a tripod to try to get a "family" shot of the 4 of us.  But that just didn't work out.  Mark was kind enough to snap a few shots of me with the kids in the middle of my shoot here.  He's pretty good at following my directions and actually has a great eye for photography (don't tell him I said that :).  Enjoy...

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