Sunday, April 17, 2011

just A Little Bit of Circus For You

It was a long weekend.  The big circus birthday party went great.  And most importantly the kids had a ton of fun.  And the entertainment actually showed up this year.  Yay!  Of course we did have some craziness as usual.  The Fifth Disease virus swept through our entire house over the last week and a half.  If you haven't heard of it (I never had) it causes a major rash over pretty much your entire body, especially your face, that looks like a really bad splotchy sunburn.  Great for party pics right?  Luckily Kye's was pretty much gone since he was the first to get it then give it to the rest of us (big shock there).  Celia was still a little red you can see from her pictures.  It also caused a wardrobe change.  The rash is irritated by sun and activity and since the party would have both we switched her outfit from the one I made her for her pre-party pics to her favorite "sparkle" dress.  She was more than happy with that.  I'm just happy the virus is similar to chickenpox in that once you get it you're immune to it.  No more rashes and joint pain (the adult version of it) for us.  Since it's going to take me a while to clean off my hard drive so I can load the party pics here's just a little sneak peek of all the fun that went on...

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