Monday, December 6, 2010

the New "Do"

Mark got off work early Friday so I took advantage and left the kids with him while I ran out to do some Christmas shopping.  This is what I came home to...

While Daddy was watching football with a friend in the backyard Celia was inside giving herself a haircut with her little scissors.  When asked why she did it her reply was "It was in my eyes".  So I asked why not ask Daddy for a barrette to which she replied "he was too busy".  I have to take part of the blame though.  I let her have those scissors.  I thought I could trust her with them.  Tragically I was wrong.  At least it was only her hair and she didn't actually hurt herself.  This was the result...

These pictures really don't so it justice since it's hard to see but she even cut some chunks that are now about an inch long on the top.  You can see from the bottom picture how it's pretty thin on the top of her head.  Luckily she missed one pretty big piece of her bangs so we can disguise it with a clip for the most part. 

I was pretty upset about the hair honestly.  Especially since I was finally going to get to take my Christmas card pictures the next morning.  Yes, I still have not taken them.  This will be the third failed attempt.  First it was ridiculously hot, then freezing cold.  I never could find the perfect time.  I had this really awesome shoot planned in my head.  I promise it would have rocked, but after this hair incident I finally threw in the towel on the whole idea.  I have decided it was just not meant to be this year.  So I am just going to use pictures I already have.  At least I have lots to choose from.

So once I got over my whole Christmas card picture plan I could laugh a little about it all.  I mean she was just being logical.  She wanted her hair out of her eyes.  And I have been considering cutting her hair shorter lately anyway.  Not as short as she cut it, but in some cute little bob.  So I took her to a real hairdresser this morning and asked her what she could do with it.  She couldn't completely disguise it.  But it actually looks pretty cute now if you can hide a few of the really short pieces with barrettes.  Here's the new "do"...

She seems to like it and lucky for all of us her hair grows super fast.  In 6 months it should be close to normal.  The scissors are now keeping my knives company.  Remember the knives Kye tried to get into a few blog posts back?  I think I will try to be a little better about keeping our sharp things away from my children.  Never a dull moment... (ha, no pun intended :)

1 comment:

  1. hilarious! and i think her hair is SOOOOO cute this length. if ellis had straight hair i would totally have her hair just like it!
